Course Full

Come join the fun as we learn better ways to communicate and resolve conflicts with our children. This is an in-depth and hands-on course for parents with children of any age and in any stage. **limited spots available**

  • Date:10/4/2023 06:00 PM - 11/22/2023 06:00 PM
  • Location Online Event



  • How to talk to your children so that they will listen to you.
  • How to listen to your children so they feel genuinely understood.
  • How to resolve conflicts and problems in your family so that no one loses and problems stay solved.
  • A method for troubleshooting family problems and knowing which skills to use to solve them.


     This is an eight week course with classes running three hours once a week.  Don't worry, class will not be three hours of lecture!  The three hours go by fast as we discuss, coach, have hands on practice, do workbook exercises, and have brief presentations.  There is a 15 minute break half way through each session as well. 

     Each class participant will receive a set of P.E.T. materials which includes:

* the 30th anniversary edition of the P.E.T. book

* a P.E.T. Workbook

* a Participant Certificate

* a copy of Dr. Gordon’s Credo 

* and free subscription to Gordon Training International (GTI)’s, opt-in, monthly e-newsletter.

Our first class will be 

Wednesday, October 4th at 6pm MST

 *Sign up before September 28th to insure you get your class material before the first day of class**